
Posted on Apr 8, 2016


Settings in the Tsunami Client

$ tsunami
Tsunami Client for protocol rev 20061025
Revision: v1.1 devel cvsbuild 31
Compiled: Dec 15 2006 14:57:59

tsunami> set
server = localhost -- to which currently connected
port = 46224 -- TCP control port on server
udpport = 46224 -- UDP receiving port on client to use
buffer = 20000000 -- size of the ring buffer in RAM in bytes
blocksize = 32768 -- how large UDP blocks to use
verbose = yes -- give a bit more output
transcript = no -- 'yes' to write all screen output to a transcript file,
file naming is automatic in "2006-12-15-13-21-41.tsuc" style
ip = v4 -- use ip version 'v4' or 'v6'
output = line -- output statistics mode is 'line' for scrolling
statistics, or 'screen' for a single updating page
rate = 650000000 -- the target transfer rate (you may use 'm','M','g','G' so
for example '128M' or '1G')
error = 7.50% -- maximum error rate to maintain by rate throttling
slowdown = 25/24 -- how fast to start throttling the rate
speedup = 5/6 -- how fast to recover and move up towards target rate again
history = 25% -- weighting of past error rates in the throttling algorithm
lossless = yes -- change to 'no' to allow data loss e.g. rate priority transfers
losswindow = 1000 msec -- used if lossless='no', sets how old missing data should still be 
requested again. If too old, data is considered lost.
blockdump = no -- 'yes' to write a block bitmap dump to a file, shows
packets that were not received as bit value 0,
file format is 4 bytes (long) contains number of blocks (bits),
followed by number of block count of bits, and two extra bytes
that may be ignored
passphrase = default -- specify a different non-default passphrase for login to the server

Settings in the Tsunami Server

$ tsunamid --help
Usage: tsunamid [--verbose] [--transcript] [--v6] [--port=n] [--datagram=bytes] [--buffer=bytes]
[--hbtimeout=seconds] [filename1 filename2 ...]

verbose or v : turns on verbose output mode 打开详细输出模式
transcript : turns on transcript mode for statistics recording 打开统计模式
v6 : operates using IPv6 instead of (not in addition to!) IPv4 使用IPV6协议
port : specifies which TCP port on which to listen to incoming connections 指定哪个端口监听
secret : specifies the shared secret for the client and server 指定客户端和服务端的共享秘钥
client : specifies an alternate client IP or host where to send data 指定允许发送数据的客户端IP地址或host名称
datagram : specifies the desired datagram size (in bytes) 
buffer : specifies the desired size for UDP socket send buffer (in bytes) 指定UDP套接字发送缓冲区所需的大小(以字节为单位)
hbtimeout : specifies the timeout in seconds for disconnect after client heartbeat lost 指定探查不到客户端心跳的超时时间
finishhook : run command on transfer completion, file name is appended automatically 在传输结束时执行命令,文件名会自动追加到命令上.
allhook : run command on 'get *' to produce a custom file list for client downloads 在"get *"时执行命令产生一个自定义文件清单供客户端下载用
filenames : list of files to share for downloaded via a client 'GET *' 客户端执行"GET *"时列出能够被下载的文件清单

Defaults: verbose = 1
transcript = 0
v6 = 0
port = 46224
buffer = 20000000 bytes
hbtimeout = 15 seconds